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Friday, April 8, 2011


A STUDENT who’s A-level project has been shortlisted for international innovation challenge has received commercial interest in his prototype whilst he prepares for the finals in Silicon Valley.

St Ninians year 13 pupil, Liam Carter-Hawkins, who has developed a completely bio-degradable portable eco-toilet has so impressed Barry Fearon, Production Director from Mannifest, that the festival impresario has placed an advance order for the imaginatively named ‘Pe-U’.

Design and technology student Liam, developed the idea whilst researching the philanthropic work of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, where he discovered that two out of five people in the world lack proper sanitation.

The 18-year-old from Dukes Road in Douglas described his concept saying: ‘Form and functionality was critical, as was biodegradability, however, to meet the needs of humanitarian organisations, it also needed to be highly portable, easy to assemble and cheap to make.

‘Having put the prototype out for speculative feedback, I am delighted that we have already received an order, which is an unexpected and exciting development. ’

The prototype can be assembled from flatpack without glue in a matter of seconds and, once up, the rugged cardboard construction can withstand over 100 kilograms. The interior is lined with a biodegradable plastic and contains an absorbent sawdust briquette.

Barry Fearon explained why he was placing an order, saying: ‘Congratulations to Liam on a fantastic concept with truly global potential. When we first heard about it we immediately thought it would be perfect for festival goers. Since then, we have been in touch with Liam with a commercial proposition for this years Mannifest event.

Liam was one of two island students who made the trip to NASA space school in Houston, Texas, last summer thanks to an annual sponsorship scheme from ManSat.

The Spirit of Innovation finals at the NASA Ames Research Facility in Silicon Valley, includes keynote speaker Tim Berners-Lee - the British inventor of the internet.

The former pupil of Murray’s Road Primary School is busy preparing to pitch his ‘Pe-U’ for the finals at the innovation summit which runs from April 28 until May 1.

With global entries and run by the Conrad Foundation, the challenge for students is to create commercially viable solutions to real world, 21st century problems. They will compete for a grant of $5,000 (£3000) and be recognized as Pete Conrad Scholars.

One of Liam's hero's, legendary industrial designer Yves Behar, will be attending the event and he is looking forward to a scheduled ‘fireside chat’, with the tech-guru.

Liam said: ‘It’s amazing to have got so far in this competition. I kept backing myself and I did a huge amount of work, so I am absolutely delighted. If I get through I will be able to put my prototype into production’

Team ‘Pe U’ are one of three manx teams who will compete at the Awards which have, for the first time, been extended to the island thanks to a link-up with Isle of Man-based space company ManSat Ltd.

(Image with thanks to Marianne McCourt)

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